

What is Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)?

TITP commenced in 1993 in Japan. The program aims to contribute to developing countries by accepting its people and transferring skills through On-the-job Training (OJT) in Japan. It promotes international cooperation through transfer of skills, techniques and knowledge gained by technical interns to the developing nations. This will not only contribute to the human resource development but will drive economic growth of the said regions.

To amplify the impetus on making Pakistan the skill capital of the world, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MOFEPT), Government of Pakistan, has initiated several measures. One such noteworthy measure is the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. The MoC was signed on August 28, 2019 to significantly expand the bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and Japan in the skill development sector. Under the program, selected candidates from Pakistan undergo three-to-five years of internship in Japan, after which they are required to return to Pakistan and utilize the skills acquired by them in Japan.

This internship program develops functional capabilities in the incumbent that can enable him to perform exceptionally in various professional settings. Dhothar International Recruitment Agency is recognized as one of the sending organization in this program by Government of Pakistan. Dhothar International Recruitment Agency is putting forward its earnest efforts in collaboration with Government, to send the batch of young and brazen to japan for this program.

Internship Programs

TITP (Japan) internship programs are as follows:

• Building stone construction • Spinning operation • Forging
• Tiling • Weaving operation • Die casting
• Tile roofing • Dyeing • Machining
• Plastering • Knit goods manufacturing • Metal press
• Plumbing • Warp knitted fabrics manufacturing • Iron work
• Heat insulation • Ladies and children’s dress making • Factory sheet metal work
• Interior finishing • Tailoring men’s suit making • Electroplating
• Sash setting • Underwear manufacturing • Aluminum anodizing
• Waterproofing • Bedclothes making • Machine inspection